By Open Doors 23 July 2024 4 MIN

China’s Ominous Warning to North Korean Refugees

Chinese local officials have sent a warning to North Korean refugees in their area, stating that China’s stance against them remains unchanged. “China doesn’t view them as refugees who need to be protected under the Human Rights Declaration but as illegal immigrants who can be repatriated,” says Open Doors’ coordinator for North Korea ministry, Simon Lee*.

Among these refugees are Christians and people who have been in touch with churches, pastors, or missionaries. These contacts mean they could be punished even more severely. “Every person who is arrested in China and then sent back, will be tortured and interrogated,” says Lee.

“The interrogators will ask if you have seen a Bible, if you’ve been to church, or if you have met with any missionaries. If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, they will try to find if you’ve become a Christian. The more mature of a Christian you are, the heavier the punishment. In a worst-case scenario, you’ll be sent to a labour camp for political prisoners with no chance to be released.”

Rampant Repatriations and Arrests

Lee confirms that tensions are growing in China among refugees. “There have been waves of arrests and repatriations. Others have been warned. Especially women who are married to Chinese men are told to keep a low profile and don’t cause any ‘social unrest.’ They are often sold into marriage, and though life is hard for them, it’s often better than the lives they led in North Korea. Also, they may be able to help their families.”

What is ‘Social Unrest’?

“This can mean anything. Anything you do wrong can be seen as creating social unrest. Fighting with someone, complaining about your husband, selling something illegal, but also visiting a Christian gathering. These [individuals] always live under stress,” shares Lee.

*Name changed for security purposes.

Pray for North Korea

  • Pray for refugees who are still trapped in China and separated from their families. Ask God to keep them safe and give them peace.
  • Pray for refugees who have been repatriated back to North Korea and are in prison or a labour camp. Ask God to strengthen their entire being.
  • Pray for the political leaders of North Korea and China. Ask God to remove the scales from their eyes and to bring them to repentance. Pray that they come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

Stay updated with the latest prayer requests from the persecuted church.

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