By Open Doors 30 May 2024 2 MIN

Encouragement for Pastor Narendran & Indian Christians

Pastor Narendran* and his wife, Kavita*, are a Christian couple ministering in their local Indian village. They have endured threats, attacks, and violence, yet they cling to their faith and trust God to support their ministry.

Indian churches, the like the one led by Pastor Narendran, are vulnerable to attacks by extremists. Mob violence creates fear among religious minority communities, including Christians, regarding their ability to gather and worship together. It is common that prayer meetings and religious ceremonies are disrupted by extremists under the premise of these gatherings being a forced conversion ceremony.

Christians in India have very little space to worship freely, collectively, and peacefully.

This is an encouragement campaign to support Christians in India amid limitations to their right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Worship. It is not only about a physical building but also the inherent right of every human to pray, grow in faith, and worship the Lord in a community with others, whether in a home, church, or under a tree in a park.

We want to show Christian communities in India that the global Church is standing with them in support, prayer, and action.

*Names changed for security purposes.

Encourage Indian Believers

Submit a note of encouragement to believers like Narendran and Kavita. Share what the Lord is putting on your heart, whether it’s a Bible verse, lyrics from a worship song, or a prayer.

Example: “Your brothers and sisters in Australia stand with you in prayer. May you be encouraged that our Lord Jesus is with us wherever we are, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8”

Writing Guidelines

  • Show sensitivity. Please do not dwell on the recipient’s plight, share about the blessings of life in your country, or share your own struggles.

For Security

  • Do not mention Open Doors.
  • Do not mention other religions.
  • Do not refer to Israel, even when using Scripture.
  • Do not criticise religions, religious extremists, governments, judicial systems, or political leaders.
  • Do not send money or make proposals to help.
  • You can disclose your name and the country you live in, but do not provide your full name or full address.

This letter-writing opportunity is available through 31 October 2024 and is accepting DIGITAL letters only (no physical messages).

Send Your Message

Fill out the form below with your message! Alternatively, you can email your card, artwork, or postcard to: