By Open Doors 10 July 2024 4 MIN

Malaysia | Plan to Convert Minors to Islam

A recent video uploaded to TikTok shows an Islamic preacher, Firdaus Wong, offering advice about how to handle requests from teenagers seeking to convert to Islam. In the video Wong says, “Minors can be informally converted to Islam first and register later.”

In response to a question about non-Muslim school children converting to Islam, Wong advised them to pray in secret until they turn 18. He says, “There was no problem for one to convert to Islam. Age is no concern. But for minors, don’t take photos or videos when they perform their proclamation of faith. Don’t register them. They can perform their prayers according to their ability. We can tell them to pray under the cover of the blanket.”

The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) describe Wong’s statement as horrific and an “immoral and illegal plan” to convert minors to Islam. They have encouraged government ministers to take the issue to the cabinet, put an immediate stop to this plan, and to take action against the preacher.

Preying On Vulnerability

The founder and president of the Global Human Rights Federation in Malaysia condemned the unethical actions shown in the TikTok clip, as it involves teaching children to lie and engage in religious activities behind their parents’ backs. He also expressed concern over the wellbeing of pupils under the care of the Ustaz (Islamic religious teacher).

“If you were a Hindu wanting to convert to Christianity and then back, you can,” he explains. “There is an exit. But in Islam, there is no exit. Court cases after court cases—it’s all in the press.”

An Open Doors’ local partner shares, “I recall the initiative to convert minors started way back in the 80s among East Malaysian native Christians and non-Christian students studying in West Malaysia. I can say for a fact a high number of East Malaysian students converted. Being away from the watchful eye of parents and living in a different culture, with a weak faith foundation and self-identity, puts them in a vulnerable situation to stand strong in facing conversion attempts. I believe Firdaus Wong knows very well how vulnerable these minors are.”

Pray for Malaysia

  • Pray that the Malaysian government and police stop turning a blind eye to this issue.
  • Pray vulnerable minors will be strengthened to stand strong and stay true to Jesus.
  • Pray that God’s Spirit reveals Jesus to ethnic Malays so more may know Him.

Stay updated with the latest prayer requests from the persecuted church.