By Open Doors 20 December 2018

Podcast: Worship In The Thin Places – Episode 19

This podcast brings the persecuted church to life, with each episode containing life changing stories, accurate updates on events and trends in persecution, and biblically based discussion.



Episode 19 Overview

Hillsong Worship’s JD host a masterclass at Hillsong Worship and Creative Conference. Hear about what it means to worship in the ‘thin places’ and the way the persecuted church both wrestle with and embrace the cost of following Jesus.

In this episode:

  • Why we shouldn’t measure our proximity to God with his provision of safety.
  • Is there revival in the Middle East?
  • How Muslims have a greater expectation that Jesus will answer their prayers than we do.


Find out about our Frontline Partner program and how we can support the persecuted church from Australia.



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This podcast is brought to you by Open Doors Australia & New Zealand. 

Open Doors began in 1955 when Brother Andrew smuggled Bibles to persecuted Christians. We now work in over 70 countries supporting Christians who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus. To find out what it’s like to be a Christian in the most dangerous places on the planet, check out our World Watch List.