By Open Doors 1 June 2024

Why We’re Not Tax Deductible And Proud Of It

As it’s the end of the financial year we understand you might be thinking about tax deductible giving. You might even be wondering if Open Doors is tax deductible. As a ministry, this is something we don’t offer, and we’re proud of it!

Why Isn’t Open Doors Tax Deductible?

The current requirements from our government mean we would need to significantly reduce the amount of gospel-based work we do around the world, in order to achieve tax-deductible status and that’s a compromise we’re not willing to make.

Our mission is to strengthen the persecuted church in the most dangerous places to follow Jesus. Whether it’s delivering Bibles into countries where it’s illegal to own one. Or training pastors as they lead their congregation through persecution. Or even food and medicine for Christians denied basic human rights because of their faith.

The gospel is at the centre of all the work we do. We want to help people follow and proclaim Jesus and strengthen local churches to be the light of Jesus in their community.

This is our mission, our call to fulfil the Great Commission – and we will unashamedly choose it over tax deductibility every time.

What about in the future?

We’ll continue looking at options, and are hoping the government will change their stance on this in coming years. But right now, we can’t continue this life-changing work without your support.

So, at the end of this tax year, while people are thinking about giving, we hope you would consider supporting the persecuted church and, in doing so, choose to uncompromisingly value the gospel above all else – even tax deductibility.

Thank you for your continued and faithful support of the persecuted church. You make this ministry happen!