“I grew up in Afghanistan and was very well educated. My family are secret believers… A few years ago, the Taliban came and they took my father away because he was a Christian… If I’m honest. I can only think about survival.”
Zabi, a secret believer from Afghanistan.
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Help the Persecuted Church
Persecution is getting worse in 2022, especially in places like Afghanistan. Here, following Jesus means risking violence torture, and even death. Many have been forced to flee for their lives.
“Our situation is desperate,” said one believer. “I feel alone and hopeless. If I’m honest, I can only think about survival.”
$100 could deliver emergency relief. You can make a difference today and help believers like this survive in the most dangerous places.

Help Persecuted Christians Survive
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$60 could give Bibles and persecution preparedness training.
$100 could deliver emergency relief.
$200 could provide a family access to a safe house, food, and clothing.
Will you give and make a difference today?
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