Open Doors
In The Media

The leading voice on Christian persecution

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Serving the persecuted, strengthening the Church

Media Releases

The leading voice on Christian persecution

Open Doors
in the Media

Open Doors is featured regularly in radio, online and print publications. Spokespeople are available for weekly and monthly segments, and for one-off crisis communications interviews. Please find example interviews below:

"Open Doors helps our listeners stay up to date and informed about the state and welfare of fellow believers all over the world. This enables them to pray and sometimes do even more to help and support the more vulnerable members of Christ’s Body experiencing persecution and hardships.”

Andrew McLennan, 20Twenty, Vision Christian Radio

Contact Us

At Open Doors, we are committed to connecting the media in Australia and New Zealand with the persecuted church. Receive the latest update on crises as they emerge, and hear from the field about the things that matter.

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