

Converts are considered threats and face severe religious freedom violations.


“In Iran, the government sees our faith as a threat. It's a daily battle to keep our faith in such hostile conditions. But God is good!”

– Fatemeh


Middle East
Sources of persecution
Islamic Oppression
Christian population
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

What’s Life Like For Christians?

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash in May 2024 and was replaced by a reformist candidate who is unlikely to change much for Iran’s Christian minority. Converts from Islam continue to live in the shadows and the hardline rule of the Ayatollahs (Shiite Muslim leaders) remains strong.

Government control over Christian activity is highest in urban areas. Rural areas are less monitored. Leaders and ordinary members of Christian groups are often arrested, prosecuted, and given long prison sentences for “crimes against national security”.

The Christian community is divided between constitutionally recognised and unrecognised Christians. Unrecognised converts from Islam to Christianity face severe religious freedom violations, primarily from the government and, to a lesser extent, from society and their families. The government views these converts as a threat, believing they are influenced by Western countries to undermine Islam and the regime.

Recognised historical communities such as Armenian and Assyrian Christians are state protected but treated as second-class citizens. They face many discriminatory legal provisions and are not allowed to worship in the national language or interact with Christian converts. Those who support converts can also face imprisonment.

Who Is Most Vulnerable To Persecution?

Christian converts from Islam are most vulnerable to persecution and discrimination. Female converts, often active in house churches, are particularly vulnerable. They risk arrest and sexual harassment during interrogations.

If arrested, Christian converts are treated worse than other prison inmates, denied exercise and phone calls, and subjected to torture and extended interrogation. Lengthy imprisonments put immense strain on families, sometimes leading to divorce and trauma for children.

Pray for Iran

– For God to protect secret believers and give them a spirit of wisdom and courage.

– For the mental and physical wellbeing of Christian prisoners and their families.

– That God will bless and protect the growing Church as believers share the gospel.

What Does Open Doors Do To Help?

Open Doors raises prayer support for Christians in Iran.

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